Another cloudy morning in the desert! I feel so much better today. Still tired around the edges but the cough is gone and the congestion is back to my normal allergy levels. I'm going to continue to mask the full 10 days but spend some time at my office desk.
Cloudy morning. I'm definitely feeling better though. I'll test today. I've been isolating for 5 days. Joy & Martin are both still negative.
Cough is much improved.
Bleh. Feeling better today. My congestion is easing somewhat. Still tired. Wish I had access to my desktop computer or a laptop. I don't know how people function with mobile only. But I'm old, I guess.
Probably another couple three more days of isolation. I'll test on Monday. Everyone else is still negative. Thank goodness!
My cats are deeply confused.
Matt Hancock’s Covid diaries ‘not in public interest’, government says | openDemocracy
Isabel Oakeshott versus Matt Hancock is like the Manchester derby in that you wish there were a way they could both lose and never be heard of again. #CovidDiaries #WhatsAppLeaks
Who will be buying #matthancocks book #coviddiaries