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Today's #Workout

Mobility: 2 rounds
- 10 banded pass overs
- 10 manmakers

Warm up: 8 min AMRAP
- 3 power snatch (empty bar, 15 kg)
- 3 2" pause front suqat (emtpy bar, 15 kg)
- 10 deadbugs
- 4 up-downs
- 8 box step ups

Strength: 6x every 90 sec: 2 2" pause front squat (at around 80% of 1RM) #PauseFrontSquat #FrontSquat
- 35 kg
- 36 kg
- 37 kg
- 38 kg
- 39 kg
- 40 kg

Workout: Camaro (scaled to)
- 2 rounds:
- 15 power snatch (empty 15 kg bar)
- 15 bar facing burpees
- Finished in 4:37
- At minute 6: 2 rounds:
- 12 overhead squats (empty 15 kg bar)
- 12 burpee box step overs (20 in)
- Finished in 4:26
- At minute 12: 2 rounds:
- 10 squat snatch (emtpy 15 kg bar)
- 10 burpee box get over (24 in)
- Finished in 4:55

Getting into the WODs again, having fun, this one left me quite flushed for a while after, but I kept a good tempo & scaled well since goal was 4:00 per round and timecap 5:00 to get some at least some rest between parts.

Today's #Workout

Warm up: Burgener like warm up practicing dip / extend / front squat - then dip - extend - push jer

Strength: 5x E2MOM 3 squat cleans + 3 push jerks #SquatClean #PushJerk
- 20 kg
- 22 kg
- 24 kg
- 25 kg
- 26 kg

Workout: "Scouts: 3 rounds for time (timecap 12:00)
- 15 m front rack walking lunges (barbell 20 kg)
- 15 ring rows (could not get banded pull ups with the bands)
- Finished in 6:31

did stuff, moved, still not a fan of overhead weight (thanks unstable hyper-mobile shoulders)

Today's #Workout

Warm up: 8 min AMRAP
- 10 rol and reach
- 10 alternating bird-dog
- 10 glute bridges on heels
- 3 deadlifts (emtpy bar & build up)
- 5 box jumps (12in)

Strength: E2MOM 5x3 deadlifts at 75-80% of 1RM #Deadlift
- 65 kg
- 67 kg
- 68 kg (80%)
- 69 kg
- 70 kg

Workout: "Royals" For time (Timecap 16 min)
- 50 tuck ups
- 25 box jump overs (12in)
- 50 knee raises
- 25 box jump overs
- 50 sit ups

Finished in 10:22, happy with consistent low box jumps & starting to do kipping knee raises

Today's #Workout

Mobility: banded shoulder "7s"

Warm up: 8 min AMRAP
- 1 min machine
- 10 deadbugs
- 5 (empty BB) bench press
- 10 ring rows

Strength: 5x3 Bench Press @ 80% of 1RM (30 kg) #BenchPress
- 28 kg
- 30 kg
- 31 kg
- 32 kg
- 33 kg (86% of 1RM)

Workout: Nine Rings, teams of two, each partner finishes their round before the other one starts
- 40-32-24-16-8 cal row (18:25)

Again, feeling better after the workout, emptied the head.

Today's #Workout

- 15 Hip CARS each side
- 15 90/90

Warm up: 8 min AMRAP
- 10 deadbugs
- 10 Cossack squats
- 10 Kip swings
- 3 broad jumps
- 3 front squats (25 / 30 kg)

Strength: Front squats 5x3 #FrontSquat
- 39 kg
- 40 kg
- 41 kg
- 42 kg
- 43 kg

Workout: 3 rounds, 5 mins each
- 10 knee raises
- 10 burpee broad jumps
- 10 tuck ups
- 10 burpee broad jumps
- 10 knee raises
- rest until the 5 mins are up
- 3:03 / 3:06 / 2:58

Happy my "engine" is not completely gone after 6 months of mostly strength training and little cardio / HIIT workouts.

Today's #Workout

Warm up: 8 min AMRAP
- 3 inch worms
- 3 clean deadlifts (empty bar - 15 kg)
- 3 hang muscle cleans (empty bar)
- 3 shoulder presses (empty bar)
- 10 deadbugs
- 6 box step ups (20in)

Strength: E2MOM 6 times
- 2 power cleans + 2 push jerks: 20 - 22 - 24 - 26 - 28 - 30 kg

Workout: Open 13.1 10 min AMRAP
- 5 shoulder to overhead (25 kg)
- 10 deadlifts (25 kg)
- 15 box jumps (12 in / 30cm)
Did 5 rounds and 20 reps (so up to 5 box jumps)

Needed to get something done where I didn't have time to think, so a wod was ideal.

Today's #Workout :

Warm up: switch every movement
- Partner 1: 10 cal row
- Partner 2:
- Hollow hold
- 10 Good mornings
- 10 Negative push ups
- 10 Deadlifts
- 10 Dumbbell High Pull

Workout: 20 min AMRAP, switch every 400 m & continue the AMRAP where the other partner left
- Partner 1: 400 m row
- Partner 2:
- 24 deadlifts (43 kg)
- 24 push ups (elevated 60 cm)
- 24 alternating dumbbell snatches (10 kg)
- 25 sit ups

We finished 3 rounds + 4 snatches, was fun, sweaty and tiring, and all ready for a quiet rest of the day.

Today's #Workout

Warm up:
- Thunderstrike burpees
- 30" passive hang
- 30" deep squat rotations
- 10 scap pull-ups
- 5 slow negative pull-ups -> slow negative ring rows
- 10 good mornings
- 10 slow air squats
- 10 single leg deadlift (7 kg) e/s
- 5 DB deadlift e/s (7 kg)
- 5 DB deadlift + shoulder shrug e/s (7 kg)
- 5 DB deadlift + high pull e/s (7 kg)
- 5 alternating DB snatches (7 kg)
- 10 BB deadlifts
- 10 BB deadlift high pull
- 10 BB cleans
- 10 BB snatches

Workout: E4MOM 32 mins total, team of 4, all movements synchro
- Round 1/5: 10 worm cleans (12 lb wallball over the shoulder) + 10 burpees over the worm/wallball
- Round 2/6: 3 rounds: 10 pull-ups (ring rows), 10 alternating DB snatches (8 kg), 20 air squats
- Round 3/7: 400 m run
- Round 4/8: 10 BB snatches, 20 BB cleans, 30 BB deadlifts (with 18 kg)

Started on Round 3 and moved through. I can do the run in 3 mins (yay!) but still not my thing, and the BB movements limited by snatch as usual, also wasn't feeling like doing jumping pull ups for scaling, so ring rows.

Today's #Workout

Warm up:
- 400 m run
- 20 m drinking bird walk
- 20 m toe touches walk
- 30s each:
- strict presses e/s (8 kg)
- windmills e/s (8 kg)
- high pull e/s (8 kg)
- Russian KB swings (8 kg)
- American KB swings (8 kg)

Workout: 12 days of Christmas (ladder workout, start each round at 1) - time cap 35:00
- 1 power clean (35 kg - this is btw a PR for me!)
- 2 pull-ups (ring rows)
- 3 burpees
- 4 toes to bar (knee raises)
- 5 wall balls (10 lb ball)
- 6 box jumps (12 in / 30 cm)
- 7 (knee) push ups
- 8 deadlifts (35 kg)
- 9 sit ups
- 10 alternating DB snatches (10 kg)
- 11 cal ski erg
- 12 American KB swings (12 kg)

Finished in 32:46

This was a killer after having spent the last 4 months focusing on strength, but it was fun. Also, my quads are still not recovered 🤣

Today's #Workout

Warm up: 8 min AMRAP
- 10 L-seat strict presses
- 12 alternating reverse lunges
- 10 cal row

Core: 3 rounds
- 8 Pallof press e/s
- 30" plank

Technique: rowing (no comments on my technique)

Workout: 5x (3 mins work + 1:30 min rest)
- 6 strict press e/s (7,5 kg)
- 9 goblet squats (7,5 kg)
- 6 alternating dumbbell snatches (7,5 kg)
- max cal row in remaining time (27 - 29 - 29 - 29 - 30)

Needed a workout after a morning of "we're going to completely redesign two whole buildings, but it's ok, deadline for this delivery including your calculations is October 31st!".

Today's #Workout

Warm up:
- 400 m run (800 m bike)
- 2 rounds
- 10 goblet squats
- 10 alt archer ring rows
- 10 half burpee long step
- 400 m row

Mobility: 2 rounds
- 20 alt seated leg over KB
- 20 alt mountain climbers
- 10 kb side bends e/s

Workout: 30 min AMRAP *Hyrox style*
- 400 m row
- 20 wall balls
- 400 m run (800 m erg bike)
- 6 lengths sledge pull (29 kg)
- 40 m burpee broad jump (long step)
- 150 m farmer carry (2x 16 kg KB)
- 20 sandback squats (15 kg)

So active recovery or something, Hyrox is not my thing, but went & moved, which is what matters.

Today's #Workout

Warm up: 3 rounds
- 5 inchworms
- 10 strict knee lifts
- 10 high single unders
- 45" machine

Core: 1 round
- 10 m bear crawl
- 10 plank hip dips
- 10 sit-ups

Gymnastics practice:
- Box pike handstand
- Box pike handstand + hand lifts
- Box pike handstand + shoulder taps
- Box pike handstand walk outs
- Wall pike handstand
- Wall pike handstand + hand lifts
- Wall L-handstand balances
- (Handstand hold - did not do)
- (handstand walk - did not do)

Workout: 12 min AMRAP
- 5 m handstand walk (-> 3 pike handstand walkouts / 2 wall walks)
- 10 toes to bar (-> knee raises)
- 30 double unders / 45 single under (-> 30 single unders to baby my ankle still)

I had a nice topple from an L-handstand practice, which was ok during the rest of the workout, but the shoulder is not so happy now that it has cooled off, so it will be taking care of that shoulder for a while now.

Today's #Workout

Warm up: 6 rounds
- 6x (Russian KB Swing into American KB Swing) (12 kg)
- 12 mountain climbers (1 = both legs)
- 8/6 cal ski or row

- Neck circles
- shoulder circles
- Wrist circles
- Active puppy (press hand then lift hand)

Strength: 6x E2MOM
- 4 power snatch with 1" hold at catch (23 kg)

Workout: 15 min EMOM
- 8 hang power snatch, unbroken (20 kg)
- 10 box jump/step overs
- 14/12 cal row or ski

So I had to do the math to see what pace I needed on the rower, assuming 45" work (to give time to switch back to the snatches), and it was 1120/960 cal/h. Which I managed every time. My wrists and elbows are not super happy somehow, and my body battery tanked during the workout.

Today's #workout

More core day 30 & last
- 5 minutes (elbow) plank

And then crossfit workout

Warm up: 3 rounds
- 150 m run (450 m erg bike)
- 8 American KB swings (12kg)
- 10 deadbugs

- 10 alternating down dog to twisted lizard
- 5/5 thoracic rotations in quadruped
- 5/5 low lunge to half splits
- 10 alternating 90-90

Workout: 30 min AMRAP
- 200m farmers carry (2 KB - 12 kg each)
- 600 m erg bike (or 200 m ski / row / run )
- 20 alternating goblet KB (9kg) reverse lunges
- 200 m ski (or row or run)
- 20 wall balls (finally managed the 14 lb ball!)
- 200 m row (or ski or run)

Cool down:
- 30" pigeon e/s
- 60" child's pose
- 30" calf stretch against the wall e/s

Managed 3 rounds plus 25 m farmers carry. Another day that I needed the workout. But delivery (1 of 3) week is done and I can chill a bit next week at work 🤣

Today's #Workout

Warm up:
- Wrist / elbow / shoulder circles -> run 150 m
- 10 jumping air squats, 10 jumping lunges -> run 150 m
- 5 inchworms + 5 push ups -> run 150 m

- Neck circles
- Shoulder circles
- Wrist "push ups"
- finger flexor stretch

Gymnastics practice (scaled to ability):
- Tripod headstand
- Bound headstand
- Box supported handstand
- Single leg handstand
- Wall walks

- 5 min AMRAP
- 30" 80% effort machine of choice
- 10 2DB thrusters (7,5 kg)
- 3 min rest
- 5 min AMRAP
- 30" 80% effort machine of choice
- 2 (scaled) wall walks

I still don't like going upside down, but did tripod headstand with knees on elbows & a spotted handstand from the box with coach. Need to build confidence.

Today's #Workout

Warm up 1: 3 rounds
- 4 overhead ball throws (5 kg)
- 10 Russian twists (8 kg)

Warm up 2: 2 rounds
- 3 ATG squats e/s, 2" hold
- 6 single leg KB (8 kg) Romanian deadlift e/s

Strength 1: 20 mins to build to PR sumo deadlift
- 8x 35 kg
- 6x 45 kg
- 4x 55 kg
- 2 x 70 kg
- 1x 70 kg
- 1x 75 kg
- 1x 80 kg

Strength 2: Weighed hip thrust
- 5x 25 kg
- 5x 30 kg
- 5x 35 kg
- 5x 40 kg
- 5x 45 kg

- 60 bicycle crunches
- 120" side plank e/s

Core didn't go as great after all the strength, but I don't care, I needed the workout after a fucktard day at work (again), people making changes without communicating, that have quite the impact on my work, for a project that has a delivery milestone on Friday

On today's agenda:

Working in the office, having my quarterly review with my boss (I seem to be doing things right, he suggested I ask about a new role coming up).

Then some core day 23
- 50 toe touches
- 90" side plank e/s

And then #Workout

Warm up: 3 rounds *for quality*
- 6 cal machine (row / erg bike / ski erg)
- 8 KB pull through in plank
- 10 Cossack squats

- 8/8 bottom up KB strict press
- 10 prone lift offs (grab pvc bar in front of you and lift arms, keep hands as close as possible)
- 10 alternating down dog to twisted lizard

Strength: 20 mins, heaviest 1-1-1 strict shoulder press
- 26 kg
- 27 kg
- 28 kg (previous PR, felt easy-ish)
- Bonus 29 kg because coach suggested (new PR! 🎉)

Workout: 4 rounds for time, try to keep rounds even
- 3 wall walks
- 16 Russian KB swings (16 kg, also a first)
- 18 cal row

So happy with the overhead improvements!

Today's #workout

First, core day 20
- 60 mountain climbers e/s
- 60" shoulder taps in plank

Then CrossFit
Warm up: 2 rounds
- 8/10 cal machine
- 12 calf raises
- 10 kKB good morning
- 7 tactical KB cleans
- 5 KB push press

- Frog
- Thread the needle
- Thoracic rotation in quadruped

Strength: 4E2MOM
- 1 snatch grip deadlift with 3 second descent (30-35-40-43kg)

Workout: 5 rounds for time (2x 9kg KB because it's supposed to be unbroken from one movement to the other)
- 12 2KB deadlifts
- 9 2KB cleans
- 6 2KB shoulder to overhead
- 60 DU (30 Singe unders for me since my ankle wouldn't have liked 300)

Finished in 8:42 with my scaling, managed to do all the KB movements unbroken each time.

Today's #workout

Warm up: 3 rounds
- 10air squats
- 20" plank
- 10 glute bridges
- 10 cal assault bike

- Calf & achiles tendon stretches
- Frog pose
- 90-90 with leaning forward for 2"

Strength: Front Squat: 2-2-2-2 with 2" pause at bottom
- 25 kg
- 30 kg
- 33 kg
- 35 kg

Workout: 3 rounds
- 20/18 cal assault bike
- 10 push press (2 kettlebells - 9 kg each)
- 20 air squats
- 90" rest

Considering this is my first workout since I got covid (again), it went better than expected with a PR on that front squat

Then I got home and did more core (day 16)
- 50 flutter kicks (e/s)
- 50" hollow hold

#CrossFit #CrossfitForYoga #Wod #WorkoutOfTheDay #Fitness #GymLife #StrengthTraining #OlympicLifting #Fitodon
#MoreCore #CoreWork

Today's #workout

Warm up: 2 rounds
- 10 kneeling around the world e/d
- 10 box step ups/down
- 10 ring dips (toe assisted)
- 150 m row

Workout: partner workout, 40 min time cap
- 5 km row - divide as you want (21:20)
- Straight into (a.k.a. no rest): 12 min AMRAP - all movements synchro
- 10 single leg toes to bar / knee to elbow
- 10 box jump/step over
- 10 (toe assisted) ring dips
- 10 deadlifts (30 kg)

After work today, this was really needed, felt absolutely knackered but happy to have done it.

Finishing with More Core day 6
- 30 toe touches
- 45" side plank e/s