(What's So Funny Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding - Nick Lowe
#music #theforeverplaylist #NickLowe #LiveAtTheAgora1984 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLGiOwM8iU8
#NickLowe 's "Cracking up" is on, on #Radioparadise - I forgot how much I love this song!
I don't think it's funny no more...
I am definitely a Dylan and Springsteen fan, but IMO rock's greatest lyricist is Nick Lowe.
#WednesdaySpins #vinyl #NickLowe
Brinsley Schwarz - Nervous On The Road (1972, UA)
"Cruel to Be Kind" is a song co-written by #NickLowe and his former bandmate #IanGomm while the pair were in #BrinsleySchwarz. The song only appeared as the 1978 #Bside of "Little Hitler" until #ColumbiaRecords convinced Lowe to rerecord it as a potential solo single for his 1979 album #LabourOfLust. Musically, the song was inspired by "#TheLoveILost" by #HaroldMelvinAndTheBlueNotes, an influence reflected in more recent performances of the song.
"He adds shading!" - NICK LOWE, Inside Agatha's Coven with Kathryn Hahn, Sasheer Zamata, Debra Jo Rupp, Ali Ahn and more!, The Official Marvel Podcast #NickLowe
Nick Lowe - What’s so funny ’bout peace, love and understanding
#music #NickLowe
"(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love, and Understanding" is a 1974 song written by English singer/songwriter #NickLowe. Initially released by Lowe with his band Brinsley Schwarz on their 1974 album #TheNewFavouritesOfBrinsleySchwarz, the song was released as a single and did not chart. The song was most famously covered by #ElvisCostello and #theAttractions, who recorded a version of the song that was released as a B-side to Lowe's 1978 solo single "American Squirm".
On my mental soundtrack the past few days - and my fellow Elder Scrolls Online addicts currently smashing through the Gold Road event with me will no doubt understand why.
#NickLowe #PowerPop #NewWave #1970s
#MentalSoundtrack #NowPlaying
Musician Nick Lowe on his legendary career and first new album in a decade
One of rock and roll's greatest songwriters is out with a brand new album. It's Nick Lowe's first full-Hength effort in nearlya dozen years and debuted as number one on the Billboard charts in the Americana/folk category. Special correspondent Tom Casciato has the story for our arts and culture series, CANVAS.
Nick Lowe, Los Straitjackets - Different kind of blue (2024)
#music #NickLowe #nowspinning
Nick Lowe, Los Straitjackets - Blue on blue (2024)
#music #NickLowe #nowspinning