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America® – We do fascism right™
@aral What l absolutely don't understand: why detention? I mean, okay, when a country don't want someone to enter its soil it's probably acceptable to do the Gandalf and proclaim: "You Shall Not Pass". However where's the sense of bringing the person into the country, put her/him into a box and expell them after some time. Regardless of the cruelty involved, it just costs a lot of taxpayers' money.
I've been assuming the motive is quotas to fill. It's got to be a lot easier to meet a quota by detaining someone with a visa paperwork issue crossing the border, than to go raid homes of longstanding residents.
Hence, even when tourists in detention are begging to go back to their home countries, and have return tickets, they still aren't automatically released or even turned back at the border.
@PapyrusBrigade @agitatra @aral We have privatized immigration detention in the U.S. and it is a politically influential multi-billion dollar industry with vast growth potential
@Lyle @PapyrusBrigade @agitatra @aral John Oliver just did an episode on ICE detention centers