Have you checked out our first issue of the year yet?
If not, today we’re posting with a quick preview of each of the articles! You can see the complete issue here: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/clar20/48/1?nav=tocList
Or, if you become an @aboutlandscape member, you can get access to the issue either digitally or a paper copy!
First in Issue 1, “Emptying the #landscape: outsider #place-making, #tourism and #migration in Sikkim, India” by Mona Chettri focuses on tourist-based placemaking in Sikkim to landscape relationships and transformations as a result of tourism development:
Xiaoxuan Lu’s OPEN ACCESS “Ambiguous temporariness: production of time-space territories in Hong Kong’s small #urban open spaces” integrates #temporality into #territoriality theories & investigates Hong Kong’s small urban open spaces.
Read it in Issue 1: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01426397.2022.2131744
In “Exploring the #cultural #heritage space #adaptability of the Beijing–Hangzhou Grand Canal based on point of interest data” Shuhan Li et al use #Python, #ArcGIS &R to examine the interaction between #urban linear heritage and the adaptability of the canal.
Yuanjie Lin's “Spatiotemporal narrative structure of the lingering #garden based on traditional #Chinese conception of time and space” explores the #narrative structure & typological patterns of the Lingering Garden as representative of #Souzhou gardens.
Wenying Song's “Retain the common ground: implications of #research on fringe belt and urban #green #infrastructure for urban landscape revitalisation, a case of Quanzhou” explores the fringe belt as a morphological concept & physical entity for #UGI planning
"Towards a typology of agri-urban patterns to support spatial planning: evidence from Lisbon, Portugal" by Patrícia Abrantes et al aims to characterise #agri-urban #spatial patterns and changes occurring in the #Lisbon #metropolitan region.
Read it in Issue 1 here: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01426397.2022.2136366
In "Grass-power: the political ecology of the #grass crop in #Ireland" Andrew O Murchu explores how grass-power is an indeterminate vitality in Ireland’s #political #ecology: spread across #actor-networks & enrolling other actants into its cause.
Read it here: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01426397.2022.2121810
In the OPEN ACCESS “Learning from #Hampstead’s Pergola: walking and image-making at a spectacular Edwardian structure”by Tim Edensor focuses on the pergola’s potential as an example to consider more #creative, #sensory & sociable space for #urban #pedestrians.
In “Landscape planning for #sustainable water #management: a systematic review of green #infrastructure literature in the Australian context” Boyuan Sheng et al.critically review how #landscape #planning perspectives are considered in #water mgmt in Australia.
"Restorative urban environments for #healthy #cities: a theoretical model for the study of restorative experiences in #urban built settings" by Anna Bornioli & Mikel Subiza-Pérez is an OPEN ACCESS critical review of #restorative #environments #research.