I'm always fascinated when CSPAN opens up the phone lines for people to call and complain about. It's an interesting cross section of the American (probably) voting public.
Right after a caller who immigrated from Senegal a caller started out with this line: "slavery was wrong, but..."
A land of contrasts.
It's probably not great for my mental health; it's basically an audio version of the YouTube comments.
Speaking of things that are probably not great for my mental health, this sit down between some Black journalists and the former president is *bonkers*.
As expected.
@maletero I've been trying to stay away from comments broadly, with only a little success. Every day brings the thought "no, wait, I was wrong an hour ago, *this* is the dumbest thing I'll read today".
Multiple times per day.
Yeah, sometimes I say some stuff online that I maybe shouldn't. I hope that none of it ever makes anyone think it's the dumbest thing they've read...so far.
Sorry for putting another dumb thing in your feed. I'll put it behind a CW next time.
@maletero Oh, don't worry about it. Just commiserating over an apparent shared inability to heed the "never read the comments" warning.
Sadly, the comment you relayed wasn't even *close* to the dumbest thing that's crossed my feed today.