OK, I may not be the most price-sensitive consumer, but if Discovery Plus want to increase my subscription from £6.99/month to £30.99/month, then sorry, that's completely taking the piss.
Subscription cancelled.
So, anyone know if there is a way to watch cycling races (Tour de France etc) on the telly in the UK that doesn't cost silly money?
@benlockwood That would do. Do you know if it's available to watch in the UK?
@statsguy I don’t, unfortunately. I’m in the US, but I thought Peacock was available internationally. I’m sure it’s on their website
@benlockwood Ah well, thanks for the suggestion anyway. I wonder if it might be possible with a US-based VPN or if they're smart enough to spot that?
@statsguy @benlockwood Is it not on ITV4 this year? I usually watch it on their website if I can during the day and their highlights are OK (or maybe I don't know what I'm missing).
Ah, on a reread of your original question - they cover TdF well, and another race with at least highlights, but not the whole range
@paulsilver @benlockwood Ah yes, it is on ITV this year. Somehow I had it in my mind that they stopped after last year, but we do get one more year.
@mjr I'd probably be OK with German commentary, but my wife is a big cycling fan too and doesn't speak German.
Not sure I really want the faff of figuring out how to use a satellite dish either.
But thanks for the suggestion anyway!
@statsguy no worries. It is wiring and another technology to learn, but it is maybe a third the price of a year of the new TNT subscription.
@statsguy VPN to France and stream TF3?
Not full races but ITV4 usually broadcasts daily highlights for each of the grand tours. Better than nothing?
@statsguy I see you're asking for TV, and I have no clue what modern TV capabilities are in terms of web browsing - I'd say that shouldn't be too hard to implement - but the website https://cycling.today/ streams most cycling races for free.
Let's not talk about why they can offer this for free.
Similar issue here too. Just got the email this morning.
I cannot do £31 and to be honest even if i could I'd be pissed about giving it to a bunch of gougers.
I shall investigate vpn's i think.
If you come up with an answer let me know please .
@Guy We get the TDF on ITV4 for again this year, though not from next year onwards, so that's easy.
I too may see what can be done with a vpn. Let me know what you find if you get round to it before I do.
I enjoy all the other bits around the grand tours, particularly the cobbles and Strada Bianchi.
@statsguy It becomes obvious why the dodgy streaming TV sticks are now popular. I come across such an unexpected set of friends and acquaintances who have them.
@CenturyAvocado Tell me more about these "dodgy streaming TV sticks"? Sounds like something I should know about
@statsguy I dont know much about them but someone takes a fire stick or similar, mashed on another operating system. System connects to lots of dodgy streams in a fairly well curated list. You usually pay a small fee to whoever runs the streams/list. I wouldn't have a clue where to start to find a "trusted" one.
I usually sign up for a month of Eurosport to watch the TdF. Is that an option in the UK?
@statsguy bonkers. Was excellent on GCN+.. then tolerated on discovery… but not a chance at those rates. Ill be off looking for a free stream somewhere via VPN..
@statsguy tour was on ITV3, but not the others.
@Thebratdragon And it will remain on ITV this year, but this is the last year. Used to get the highlights of the Vuelta and one or to other things like Paris-Nice on ITV as well, but the Vuelta has already stopped. I suspect the others won't be far behind.
@statsguy watching the tour, like the Giro and Vuelta is quite something.
I love it.
As a kid we used to holiday in blackpool, where we could watch the start of what was then the milk race, time trials along the prom. Even the great Eddy Mercxx
@alan I'm not, but thanks for the suggestion anyway!
@statsguy Try Staylive a paid service but only about £5.50 per month approx. You also need a VPN. I use the one I already had with my antivirus package. The stream is the English language Eurosport feed. I tried it out tonight and works fine. UK credit card accepted for payment
@statsguy plus SBS (Australian free to air) for additional coverage (also need VPN)
@by_tor Thanks!
@statsguy that, plus SBS (Oz public service broadcaster) just about had you covered for most road cycling.