Did I stay up until 3:30am binge watching Vampire Diaries? Yes, I did. And you know what?
I recently bought the whole of True Blood and I'm waiting for a chance to binge it all.
I love vamps and werewolves!
I'm hoping the remake isn't arse.
@Jyoti I was a huge Twilight fan as a teen, somehow I completely missed the Vampire Diaries! I’ve never seen True Blood either, it’s on my list. I miss the vampire/werewolve/witch era of television, that was a fun time!
I have mixed feelings about the Twilight films (never read the books). I think the second is my fave, the first I find... strange and then when it gets to Renesme and all that - nope!
#TrueBlood is sometimes too graphically gory for me but I love its balance of horror with comedy. It does get very silly near the end.
I would love a modern #MonsterOfTheWeek show, like a #KolchakTheNightStalker or #XFiles.
Just something ridiculous with stupid monsters, popcorn time!
@Jyoti lmao! Yes Twilight was perfect for my 16 year old sensibilities. Renesemee, the imprinting, the glitter vampires, hot mess! I actually never finished the movies, by the time they all came out I truly aged out of it. There’s a fun satirical vampire show called What We Do In the Shadows. It’s fun!
Oh yeah, I love WWDITS! Also, I'm glad the last series didn't go too big budget - you could see they had more wiggle room but it was still beautifully mad.
I will never forget that godawful CGI Renesemee baby. The stuff of nightmares.
You should def watch the last Twilight films... they get EVEN WEIRDER.
But then, my god, talk about problematic media. Where do we even start??
@Jyoti CRYING! This is so bad! I have to watch this now. So problematic! Renesmee was promised to her moms ex boyfriend
but we should’ve known something was wrong when they all chose to spend eternity repeating high school.
jfc, that's a shocker, innit?