So he couldn’t find a product or tech person to run the company so he’s going to be the CTO while someone from NBC’s ads business talks to advertisers as the CEO.
Too bad one can’t short this stock on the market.
@carnage4life you can short Tesla!
@carnage4life It’s the best choice he could make — this is a tacit admission that his subscription strategy is a failure and he needs to stop the bleeding from advertisers fleeing the platform. Whether he’s willing to do what’s necessary (e.g, stop posting entirely, kick the Nazis off the platform, etc.) is another matter — as to that, I’m, let’s say, skeptical.
@carnage4life Aaaaand her followers list just came out. Doesn’t look like she’ll be showing the Nazis the door either.
@carnage4life There's always another sucker who thinks (s)he can ride the tiger....
@carnage4life Oh, he’s always just wanted to do “the fun stuff” and this lets him do that. Boss around the tech people, be hailed as a genius, let someone else worry about money. With the ability to fire “his boss” any time if needed.
@carnage4life “we need to reinvigorate trust in the platform for brand safety, so we’ll install an executive who <checks notes> follows some of the most toxic far right voices on the platform that have driven advertisers from it…”
@carnage4life he was always transparent about which part of the CEO responsibilities he's going to give up and which ones he was planning to keep. Sounds like he finally found someone to do the boring parts. That incidentally come with all the risks: HR, regulatory, ...