Has Apple outsmarted the EU as @daringfireball says? I think many regulators now realize Apple will always introduce new fees and rules to thwart whatever laws they create to bring competitiveness to its ecosystem.
It’s tempting fate as laws will evolve.
I imagine future laws and rulings will explicitly block charging fees to undermine the law in which case Apple will find some new impediments like scary warning UIs, buried settings, etc.
Years of cat & mouse games.
@carnage4life @daringfireball it’s like watching WOPPR in War Games playing tic tac toe, only to realise the only way to win, is not the play the game
@carnage4life @daringfireball yeah, it reads like they are determined to milk whatever they can until the loopholes are closed
@carnage4life @daringfireball unless the EU plans to overhaul copyright and patent law, Apple, like any other IP rights holder, will continue to charge licensing fees somehow. I don’t think the EU allows bills of attainder, either, so limiting IP law reform to only affect them would be tricky, especially since the desired competition to add here rely on the exact same IP framework for business.
In my opinion, banning software patents would help most of this, and allowing for alternative operating systems could help circumvent the copyright side of things.