@schizanon I've been really interested in trying htmx on a real project. It has a lot of potential. My only concerns are a) hard to debug HTML syntax and b) perf hit from requiring round trip requests to change the UI.
a) HTML attr based DSLs give me Angular flashbacks. It's declarative, but sometimes I think declarative is harder to grok than imperative.
b) if your UI change required a network request anyway (even if only for confirmation of success) then the performance is the same. but for minor UI state changes, you probably have a point.
@macdonst says that #HATEOAS can lead to network request bloat when you need to make a chain of multiple requests to get some resource.
@schizanon re: network requests, I did have that same thought. If I built something with it I'd probably use client-side JS islands for truly client-only UI state and only replace fragments via HTMX if the change requires a new request anyway (loading new data, form submission, etc.)
@VamptVo @schizanon Why not a mix of both if a part need a lot of interactivity ?