If the Supreme Court allows Krasnov to end birthright citizenship, then we are no longer America.
Trump asks Supreme Court to okay limited plan to end birthright citizenship

If the Supreme Court allows Krasnov to end birthright citizenship, then we are no longer America.
Trump asks Supreme Court to okay limited plan to end birthright citizenship
"If Donald Trump is playing king, Roberts is his court jester."
"More than a decade later, it’s obvious that not only was Roberts out of his mind, but also that his doe-eyed ignorance about the level of racial progress since 1965 has actively enabled the country’s current backward slide into Jim Crow." - @AngryBlackLady
#SCOTUS #VoterSuppresion #VRA
#BlackMastodon #JohnRoberts #CivilRights #coup
The same Supreme Court that thinks gratuities are okay thinks poaching clients is fair game.
IBM Spared $1.6 Billion Award as Supreme Court Rejects BMC
@VeroniqueB99 He is CANCER to everything that matters and the #GOP and its scumbag #JohnRoberts #CorruptSCOTUS even moreso.
@tzimmer_history #JohnRoberts and his despicable #CorruptSCOTUS are to blame for everything that these motherfuckers are doing. EVERYTHING is the fault of #JohnRoberts. I hope the piece of shit is cowering in his basement, afraid to leave the house. The world knows who gave the raping felon all this power: #Scumbag #PieceOfShit #JohnRoberts
"Like most people, I don’t watch Fake News CNN or MSDNC, but I understand they are going 'crazy' asking what is it that I was thanking Justice Roberts for? They never called my office to ask, of course, but if they had I would have told these sleazebag 'journalists' that I thanked him for SWEARING ME IN ON INAUGURATION DAY, AND DOING A REALLY GOOD JOB IN SO DOING!" he said."
"As #Trump made his way out of Congress following his first speech to the body since retaking office in January, he stopped to shake hands with the 4 Supreme Court justices in attendance. While shaking the hand of Chief Justice #JohnRoberts he said, “Thank you again, I won’t forget it,” then slapped the chief on the back.[...] Roberts gave Trump a get-out-of-jail-free card, and Trump is grateful.'
#SCOTUS #corruption #ClarenceThomas #BrettKavanaugh #SamuelAlito #politics
The exchange was so awkward, it should have been followed by the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme song. While #Trump was shaking hands down the aisle, exiting the House chamber after his address last night, network cameras caught him as he turned to Chief Justice #JohnRoberts, patted him on the back, & said, “Thank you again. Thank you again. I won’t forget.” Roberts, whose back was to the camera, then headed for the exit.
Why #Trump Thanked #JohnRoberts
The conservative justices are frequently accomplices to Trump’s assault on #democracy.
By Adam Serwer
#law #SCOTUS #Immunity #PartisanCourt #ActivistCourt #CorruptCourt
Donald Trump Personally Thanks John Roberts For Keeping Him Out Of Jail: ‘I Won’t Forget It’
#trump #scotus #JohnRoberts #TPM #TalkingPointsMemo
March 5, 2025
Watch The Exact Moment John Roberts Realizes He Whored Himself Out
https://flip.it/YZKp5I #SCOTUS #JohnRoberts #Trump #TrumpSpeech #Politics #USPolitics
"The most memorable moment of Trump's speech … was Trump rubbing Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ face in their mutual corruption."
~ David Kurtz
#Trump #Republicans #StateoftheUnion #UpIsDown #DownIsUp #SupremeCourt #JohnRoberts #corruption
Still think #SCOTUS Chief "Justice" #JohnRoberts isn't trying to destroy the United States? Fucking unbelievable. I hope he chokes on Donald Trump's cock the next time he sucks it. Roberts is a traitor to you, a traitor to me, a traitor to the Constitution, and a fucking traitor to the goddamn Country. #USpol
#SCOTUS Chief Justice #JohnRoberts granted the #Trump admin’s late Wednesday request to pause a lower court’s midnight deadline for the govt to resume nearly $2B in #ForeignAid payments suspended for weeks.
The brief administrative order, which did not address the underlying #legal issues, will allow time for a full #SupremeCourt review.
#law #USAID #aid #USpol #kleptocracy #TheCrueltyIsThePoint
Confirmed: John Glover Roberts is a traitor to the Constitution.
Do you think John Roberts is going to sell out the Constitution?
So the only question remaining is whether John Roberts is going to sell out the Constitution.
Do you adhere to the Unitary Russian Agent theory?
What say you, motherfucker?
But that 2014 decision, written by Chief Justice #JohnRoberts Jr., was a narrow one, noting that other state & local govts had found ways to accommodate the rights of those opposed to #abortion & the #women entering clinics.
Mary Ziegler, an abortion #law expert & prof at the UC Davis School of Law, cautioned against reading too much into the majority’s decision not to review the #NewJersey & #Illinois cases.
America is watching you, John Glover Roberts…
Appeals court declines to reinstate Trump's birthright citizenship executive order https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/appeals-court-declines-reinstate-trump-s-birthright-citizenship-executive-order-232447557842
Trump administration gives schools deadline to cut DEI or lose federal funds https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/18/trump-administration-schools-dei-programs-deadline #Trumpadministration #USsupremecourt #USeducation #JohnRoberts #USpolitics #ElonMusk #Schools #USnews