In Episode 52, Jumelle says something that causes Bill to make an obscene hand gesture.
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#SouthCarolina #SCPol #SCPolitics #podcasting #thefinger #flippingthebird
In Episode 52, Jumelle says something that causes Bill to make an obscene hand gesture.
Subscribe, download and listen today!
#SouthCarolina #SCPol #SCPolitics #podcasting #thefinger #flippingthebird
In Episode 52, Jumelle says something that causes Bill to make an obscene hand gesture.
Subscribe, download and listen today!
#SouthCarolina #SCPol #SCPolitics #podcasting #thefinger #flippingthebird
Tried to do hyperpop art and this was the end result :3 Not as colorful as it should be, but still really happy how it looks ^^
There's something retro about the act of "flipping the bird." I feel like its heyday was in the '70s and '80s.
This guy flipped off a state trooper in Vermont in 2018, and got arrested in retaliation. The charge was dismissed and the state just settled his lawsuit for $175k. Freedom of speech wins! Good for this guy and the ACLU for holding them to account.
This sums up Canadian friendliness pretty well actually, eh?
Italian Youtube mechanics 'Carmageddon' claim to have made a car that uses AI not for “self driving” but for “auto-gesticulation”.
The driver can concentrate on operating the car while the onboard computer uses speakers and robotic hands to demonstrate its displeasure at other road users.
We just realized our post from Thursday night never showed up here. Let's fix that:
Quarantine Control 165: Flip Floppin' Fury
This is the energy we're bringing into June.
#Shazam #FlippingTheBird #LoonyToons #Animation
I wrote about the podcast Flipping the Bird for tonight's Quarantine Control on @damagecontrolblog. It may or may not be exactly what you're thinking. Yes, it's Elon Musk related. Be sure to also check out Geoff and Joseph's contributions. #HBOMax #shazam #FlippingTheBird #LoonyToons
More reasons to leave Twitter means more people showing up here, which is a good excuse to (re)introduce yourself.
So, hello! I'm Becky. I'm a patent attorney in Scotland. I used to be a physicist working on gravitational wave detectors but academia didn't suit me. I like books, puzzles, cooking, long walks, films, cats, gaming (video and tabletop), wine, and even people.
@BeckyDouglas I really like #flippingTheBird . That says it all.
I am praying that this #mastodon thing really works and some other open source and ad-free app like @signalbot replaces WhatsApp and Insta and we all forget about Meta and The Other Place and live happily ever after...
#socialmedia #meta #twitter #flippingthebird #OpenSourceExperience #signal #mastodon
@nathan Thank you for all your hard work! I'm part of #FlippingTheBird and you've made this new home feel welcoming
@hgh lol dude literally everybody is #flippingthebird
I write fanfic on#AO3 for #Supercorp #Supergirl #Dansen #DCComics #DCU
Follow for #Lesbian #Sapphic #Gay #Bi #Trans #Queer #LGBTQ #KatieMcGrath #MelissaBenoist #WynonnaEarp #Earpers #E4L #Wayhaught #WarriorNun #Avatrice #Avalance #Harlivy #SavePaperGirls #PaperGirls #ALOTO #ALOTORenewal #SaveFirstKill #FirstKill #SaveTheWilds #TheWilds #SciFi #Fantasy #Nerd #Writing #Fanfic #FanArt #Art #TV #Movies
I'm #FlippingTheBird aka a #TwitterQuitter
For politics & liberal stuff...