Caught this little scamp on our strawberries this evening. Lovely colouration. #butterfly #butterflies #orangetip #strawberry #polytunnel #nature #entymology #insects #gardening
Caught this little scamp on our strawberries this evening. Lovely colouration. #butterfly #butterflies #orangetip #strawberry #polytunnel #nature #entymology #insects #gardening
My daily lepidopterological (is that a new word?) activities are truly picking up, as of yesterday.
#InMyGarden not one, not two, but three butterfly species visited me, and two of them gave me the stare: a Red Admiral and a Small White. The third one - a male Orange Tip - was too busy flitting about to look around.
#butterflies #SaveButterflies #ButterflyConservation #RedAdmiral #SmallWhite #OrangeTip #butterfly
#male and #female #orangetip #butterflies on the reserve at #WWTCastleEspie.
Just when you think you’ve got the white butterflies sussed, they drop another on…
#nature #naturephotography #wildlife #invertebrates #insect #insects #insectphotography #lepidoptera #butterfly #CountyDown #NorthernIreland @savebutterflies
At last, the first butterfly species in the year to populate our lanes & gardens - the Orange Tip Anthocharis cardamines - has arrived here. A female (which has no orange tips, of course) is visiting us today - being 20 April they are later than usual
#Butterfly #ButterflyConservation #SaveOurButterflies #OrangeTip #today #NorthWales #Cymru
New on my #blog:
#cricket #CountyCricket2024 #CountyChampionship #SurreyvSomerset #Photograohy #birds #heron #insects #butterflies #OrangeTip A look at goings on in the county championship, especially Surrey v Somerset, and a bumper photo gallery.
New on my blog:
#cricket #CricketMastodon #CountyChampionship #photography #insects #butterflies #shieldbugs
A look at the points system in use in this year's county championship and a bumper photo gallery. Features an impressive #shieldbug and several species of #butterfly - #OrangeTip, #Comma, #Peacock and #Tortoiseshell among them.
Out with the #macro lens at #WWT #CastleEspie this morning.
Quite a few Orange-Tip Butterfly eggs on Cuckoo Flowers.
Lovely walk around Bedgebury Pinetum and surrounding woodland where the Orange Tips (and Brimstones!) were out in force.
#butterfly #orangetip #nature #wildlife #walking
@druid Me too - here's one I prepared earlier - 12 years earlier!
#photography #wildflowers #rain #macro #bluebells #butterfly #orangetip
Male Orange Tip butterfly Anthocharis cardamines resting on a Meadow Cranesbill (Gernaium pratense) - I might be mistaken - flower at Cheshire Wildlife Trust Compstall reserve, England UK. #myWork #myPhoto #butterfly #OrangeTip #AnthocharisCardamines #nature #naturePhotography #wildlife #wildlifePhotography #environment #outdoors #insect #orange #white #OC #Compstall #CheshireWildlifeTrust #woodland