And to remind myself that I can get it right sometimes, another piece with a character with darker skin, which DID come out well, and that I still really like.
And to remind myself that I can get it right sometimes, another piece with a character with darker skin, which DID come out well, and that I still really like.
Not happy with this piece. Partly, because despite practising and reading as much as I can about techniques for lighting darker skin tones, I'm still crap at it, but also because this is a fairly bad piece in general, where multiple things didn't really work.
Still, I worked on it for three days, so here it is in the world.
First #TTRPG ever played? #DnD 1E
First you ever ran? #DasSchwarzeAuge (The Dark Eye)
Played the most? #Shadowrun 2E
Run the most? StarWars (FFG) | Campaign
Favorite? #GenesysRPG, #SWAE, #WFRP4e
Most recently played? #Shadowdark, #FabulaUltima
Most recently run? Pathfinder for Savage Worlds (RotRL)
1. 1st #ttrpg played: #ADnD
2. 1st run: #Homebrew
3. Most played: #ADnD2e
4. Most run: #StarWars2e
5. Favorite: Hard to say… #Shadowrun? #SavageWorlds? #ADnD2e?
6. Most recently played: #5e
7. Most recently run: #SavageWorlds
1. First ttrpg ever played? #ADND2e
2. First you ever ran? #ADND2e
3. Played the most? #DND35e
4. Run the most? #GURPS
5. Favourite? Toss up between #ShadowRun and #OpenLegendRPG
6. Most recently played? #StarWarsWEG
7. Most recently run? #OpenLegendRPG
Employees will refrain from seeing the bulldozer clearing out the homeless camp at the base of the Saeder-Krupp office tower in Bucharest as symbolic of anything.
Game seeks players! #Shadowrun [ShadowRun-6e] In the Shadows of Marianne
Flavour: "A little bit "black trenchoat and mirrorshades"; and a little bit "pulp". France in the 2080s has some of the feel of France under the Nazi occupatio..."
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@HeyeBodo was bei den Fragen ein bisschen untergeht (außer ich hab das falsch übersetzt):
Spiele in meiner Sammlung:
#shadowrun #alienrpg #deponia #startrekadventures #dnd #cthulhu uvm.
Want to play, top 3:
Alien RPG, Bladerunner RPG, Star Trek Adventures
Kuriosestes Spiel : Great Orc Gods
1. First #ttrpg ever played: #dsa 2. First you ever ran? - #dsa 3. Played the most? - #Shadowrun 4. Run the most? - #DnD3E 5. Favourite? - #DungeonWorld #PbtA 6. Most recently played? #ShadowDark 7. Most recently run? #BeyondTheWall
1: #DSA #DasSchwarzeAuge #TheDarkEye
2: #Paranoia or #Shadowrun, not sure
3: #ADnD #ADnD2nd
4: #DnD #DnD3rd
5: Tough call, I love my whole (indie) collection: #TalesFromTheLoop #Mothership #EclipsePhase #Ratten #Cairn #Twilight2000 #Numenera #CyberpunkRed #CY_Borg #Unwritten ...
6: #Vampire #VampireTheMasquerade
7: #DnD5th
1. First #ttrpg you ever played?
2. First you ever ran?
3. Played the most?
4. Run the most?
5. Favorite?
6. Most recently played?
7. Most recently run?
1. First #ttrpg ever played: #dsa 2. First you ever ran? - #dsa 3. Played the most? - #Shadowrun 4. Run the most? - #DnD3E 5. Favourite? - #DungeonWorld #PbtA 6. Most recently played? #ShadowDark 7. Most recently run? #BeyondTheWall
And a few of dommy Asian girl pinup pieces. I'll say, I think the pink and blue piece is one of the best bits of art I've produced recently in general.
Also, the bloke getting strangled with that woman's calf? He looks FAR more into it than I'd intended.
1. First #ttrpg ever played: #DSA
2. First you ever ran? - #DSA
3. Played the most? - #DSA
4. Run the most? - #ShadowRun
5. Favourite? - #DSA
6. Most recently played? #ShadowRun
7. Most recently run? #ShadowRun
@Mellando 1. First #trpg ever played: #DSA
2. First you ever ran? - #DSA
3. Played the most? - #Shadowrun
4. Run the most? - #Shadowrun
5. Favourite? - #Shadowrun
6. Most recently played? - #DnD
7. Most recently run? - #DnD
Ich füg einen hinzu:
8. Best session? Feng Shui
1. First #ttrpg ever played: #Shadowrun
2. First you ever ran? - #DnD
3. Played the most? - #DnD
4. Run the most? - #DnD
5. Favourite? - #ShadowDark
6. Most recently played? #Mausritter
7. Most recently run? #DnD
@ArneBab @BlauesLicht @Mellando
1. First #trpg ever played: #DasSchwarzeAuge (DSA)
2. First you ever ran? - DSA
3. Played the most? - DSA (followed by #Shadowrun)
4. Run the most? - DSA
5. Favourite? - #FraggedEmpire. #OpusAnima, DSA, #Wildsea
6. Most recently played? - Warhammer FRP. Unless #Wildsea session 0 counts.
7. Most recently run? - DSA (long time ago)
Yes, there has been an incident at the Himmelsschmiede Orbital Factory.
The Company is hard at work mitigating the situation.
Please do not spread rumors - it’s exactly what the maintenance drones want.
Null State is a fresh take on #retro #cyberpunk hacking games!
This isn't #shadowrun or #cyberpunk2077 -- we've got silly NPCs with serious storylines and turn-based, Battleship-like seek & destroy combat.
#wishlistwednesday #steam
#indiegame #indiedev #indierpg #crpg #rpg
Flight crew of flight SK3257 airdropping food grade medical waste into Asamando will ignore the banging coming from Crate 13. That is all.
Das Team schmiedet Pläne, wie sie den Tod von Casper vortäuschen können.
Play some shadowrun, do some crime, fight some fascists! Folge 48 ist online, überall wo es podcasts gibt.
#shadowrun #pnpde
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