Patch 1.15.7 on the PTR for Season of Discovery: Exploring New Avalon #wowclassic #worldofwarcraft #gaming
Yay! Got lucky with the rare spawn from trash piles; got the mount in ~11 tries #WorldOfWarcraft
OK, so 60 to 70 only took an hour, so that's not going to be a big deal. We'll see about 50 to 70 with the next one. #WorldOfWarcraft
Was super excited to see that the weekly dungeon quest now rewards renown with all factions! #WorldOfWarcraft
Ding. That's the alliance shadow priest done. Max level number 21, and the last of the ones that I got to max in Dragonflight. With timewalking being down for a bit, did this one mostly through questing, so the time wasn't great. I've got one level 60 that I'm going to do next (druid), and then a whole ton of 50's. #WorldOfWarcraft
Not So Massively: Comparing the grinds of World of Warcraft and The First Descendant
#WorldofWarcraft #TheFirstDescendant #MMORPG
I finally took some time to organize my #Warcraft campfires, everyone not in a camp is one of my AH alts (13 on this account). I typically only 'play' the 4 in my favourites group anyway.
Current hobby project: Fork of VMaNGOS with a few customizations
Build and installation notes:
Client 1.12.1 notes:
I chose Codeberg because it looks much better than GitHub or GitLab, is non-profit and based in Europe.
The War Within Hotfixes for March 12: Class Fixes & Dungeon Nerfs #worldofwarcraft #gaming #gamingnews
Season of Discovery Hotfixes for March 12: Starfall, Presence of Mind, & Loyal Beta #wowclassic #worldofwarcraft #gaming
World of Warcraft teases its housing decoration tools, including 3-axis rotation and dyes
#WorldofWarcraft #MMORPG
Er, Vokgret - season one has finished!
It is nice though, for people who only started enchanting in season 2 as they'll get the "First craft" knowledge point for this as there's no way a player will put in an order for this
Season 2 MDI and AWC Registration are Now Open for The War Within #worldofwarcraft #gaming #gamingnews
Oh my! Player housing looks like it will be fab - and very flexible. A Warcraft take on Animal Crossing housing by the looks of it. I particularly like that you can have things floating at wierd angles if you wish (perfect for a Mage Tower). Sounds very promising.
#WorldOfWarcraft #PlayerHousing #Midnight
Decorating Preview for Player Housing in World of Warcraft: Midnight #worldofwarcraft #gaming #gamingnews
World of Warcraft previews Update 11.1.5 and arrests Brann’s tanking spec for being too much fun
#WorldofWarcraft #Undermined #MMORPG
I think I'm almost recovered from the cold that took me out. I didn't fall asleep early without prompting last night, which seemed to be the last symptom.
I'm also slowly catching up on delves over in #WorldOfWarcraft and ran a T7 last night. It seemed pretty easy with Brann on DPS and me tanking, and wasn't the slog that they were previously in S1. Will most likely keep on truckin' into T8 and T9 tonight.
Presence of the Dragon Soul Debuff Coming to Cataclysm Classic on March 18 #worldofwarcraft #gaming #cataclysm