You know on #StarTrek #NextGeneration and #DS9
The standard way for characters to display amorous infatuation is to stare glittery-eyed at the other person.
And they do it all the time.
And it's fucking weird.
I mean that whole Sisko thing with Kasidy Yates and him being all weird because she wanted to move into the same space station. It was kinda stupid.
It's like a space commitment storyline.
... What I mean is #AveryBrooks is a good actor most of the time. But you can see him struggling with that lousy plot non-point.
Other times when they struggle acting is when they have alter egoes.
There's that joke episode where Bashir pretends to be James Bond and crew members get caught up in the programme.
I don't know what Brooks' acting was doing in that episode. It's like he was given free reign and just could handle it.
I don't know what he was doing.