Mea Culpa DLC Review: Is It Worth Your Money?
I was sent a free copy of the Mea Culpa DLC for Blasphemous 2 to review for my blog. While I am very grateful for the opportunity, I won’t let it sway my opinions. This will be my honest review. Make sure you check out my review for the base game.
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What is Mea Culpa?
Mea Culpa is DCL for the 2D side scrolling Souls-like, Blasphemous 2. You will need to already own Blasphemous 2 to play the DLC. This DLC adds new abilities, quests, and alternate ending. There are also two new zones to explore and bosses to fight. If you enjoyed Blasphemous 2, it might be worth checking out for a bit of extra content.
The Mea Culpa DLC was okay. It wasn’t bad, but it is hard to justify the price. I enjoyed the new areas, and the bosses were challenging and fun, but I don’t think it is a mandatory step into Blasphemy. If you are a fan of the series and are looking to support a great title in the genre, it is a solid buy and you will get your money’s worth in fun. If you are new to the genre and on a budget, the base game is all you need. I would wait for a sale because I don’t believe it adds enough to be worth the full price of admission. It isn’t a bad DLC, but it doesn’t stand out as hard as it needs to.
You can buy Mea Culpa on Steam, Xbox ($30.39), Nintendo, PlayStation for $11.99, but I recommend waiting for the next big sale.
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